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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 24, 2012 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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scrambled up. brian kilmeade is here. >> brian: if you are having trouble i will interject. prank . >> pranks there you go. have a great show. happy friday to you. have a great weekend. >> brian: see you in the club. >> "fox and friends" starts right now. >> gretchen: we'll do a lot of clubbing before we are here sunday morning at six o'clock a.m. . maybe we should club. tgif. august 24th. i am gretchen carlson. we are looking at isaac setting its sites - on sights on the state of florida. we'll track that storm for you moments away. >> steve: three days before the convention, mitt romney takes the lead in the poils x. we have an answer to the
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age-old question. are you better off today than we were four years ago. >> brian: 7 tour defanc titles lance armstrong, why he gave up the fight to prove his innocence. that store tore coming your way . it is sad all the way around. "fox and friends" starts now. ♪ >> gretchen: good morning, we begin with an extreme weather alert. all eyes on tropical storm isaac as it threatens to derail the republican convention in tampa. >> hi, everyone. this is so frustrating.
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let me say on behalf of all of the meterologist that are trying to predict what the storm was doing. i wish we had a handle on it and we don't. i wish i could say tampa you are out of the woods . i. i can't tell new orleans that they are out of the woods . one thing we can tell you . we are dealing with a tropical storm and it is unorganized and strengthening and going to take up much of the gulf of mexico. this storm is going to go in the gulf of mexico. who will git the worst of temperature if you live on the gulf coast from southeast texas from the panhandle of florida to the keys, you need to be on alert. that is the best i can do right now. it doesn't look great but it is strinthening. we have a lot of warm water to travel. because it is soy large, it is
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taking time to get its act together. for the hispaniola and haiti, eight-12 inches of rain. flooding is going to be a concern, no doubt. and further up in time the 5:00 a.m. advisory and new coordinates. and new track at 11:00 a.m.. each track and advisory is so important. it will finally hopefully tell us where the torm is headed. further in time yes. florida keys, south florida be on alert. you could have a tropical storm or hurricane at this point. tuesday, wednesday, that cone widens and tampa is in the cone of uncertainty. those computer models are moving more east ward. yesterday west ward and new
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orleans . and parts of southeast, texas. and we'll see those models come back. that is the frustrating part. why will look at the gss model. sunday, there is a storm in south florida and keys and close to the west coast of the florida. you will feel strong wind we could see surge as well as flooding and a threat for tornados, always the threat for tornados. we'll bring you the latest as we get it back in. >> gretchen: that is a thorough report and we'll check back with you. >> steve: you can see it is frustrating and it will turn into a hurricane. >> brian: i got a memo, we are to bring kyact. >> gretchen: i bought rain
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boots last night. our set is supposed to be outside . get ready for a bonnet on my head if that is a case. >> brian: i don't think a bonnet will do it. >> gretchen: what else will i do. >> brian: a crossing guard one. >> steve: like the one george cloony wore in perfect storm. >> brian: yes, we need temperature >> steve: yes, for continuing team coverage on isaac, we will go to steve brown who is live in tampa. steve brown is downtown. we heard yesterday, steve, there was a possibly they might cancel or delay it? >> i think that is rumorville stuff. what we are hearing from the folks in the rnc, they have multiple contingency and the good news of having the storm bear down in the gulf or on the west coast of florida this is a weather event that
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floridians is familiar with. they jump started it in yesterday to track the storm and make sure things are moving. depending on how strong it gets. you will see floridians and folks purchasing gas and food and battening down things that need to be batten down. the convention kicks off monday and tuesday. there could beev herain and wind regardless of where the storm may be headed. the future nominee on down, they hope that the convention goers at worst will get wet during those days. have a listen. >> we'll talk to the weather people, obvious low any plans for tampa depend on the airport open and able to receive all of the delegates and people like myself that
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need to get i feel good that we will be in tampa and have a great convention. >> steve: you may recall that the rnc had to deal with a storm bearing down in the southeast united states while the convention was getting ready to convone in st. paul. there are different kinds of contengency. they have plans in place in case things go awry to make sure the convention is in place. >> thank you very much. >> brian: a new fox poll has roim roam to foal there is a bounce in the step. naming of paul rhine - ryan that hasn't done much has
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given a bump. rom no if a - mitt romney in a virtual dead heat. this is the first time we are seeing this with the folks poll. >> gretchen: one point. that is within a margin of error. if you are romney and ryan, you rather be at the 45 than 44. what about independents? we talk about how independents are the ones that decide the election in who does rom no have? 42 percent of the independents. this is good news for romney this morning. what elected president obama last time was the independents this time president obama at 32 percent. >> steve: that has to be troubling for the white house. according to the poll of likely voters and they are determined by eligible. this is the first time the folks poll . rom no has the edge of
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christian and white married voterss and seniors and president obama has black vores and woman and lower income and unmarried voters. but given the gigantic numbers was dollars spent by the obama campaign to throw dirt at mitt romney, he's doing okay. >> when you hear obama talking about the other guy plays dirty, obama side is running ads accusing romney of killing a woman with cancer. obama is pretending to be the victims of this. i think for rom no to be in a dead heat after the assault and personal ark tacks and trying bain and all of the variations of that . i think it means he is in a good position. >> brian: mitt romney's
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response to being accused of killing this gentlemen's wife with cancer and what bain capital may or may not have done is one of the strongest retorts mitt romney did manage and many people were wondering why he did not done before. he went through the various companies and how he would apply that to the national economy. it was a column written boy him and after taking 125 million worth of the attack ads against him over the summer, he is planning to launch a big offensive. >> gretchen: what people vote on in the polls is the pocket books and how they feel about the country moving forward. and look at the results of this poll. are you better off than you were four yores ago. 49 percent say they are worse and 29 percent better.
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and 24 percent no difference. that is a significant poll. pocket books and emotion and how you felt and mouving forward will determine who you vote for. >> steve: the obama folks do expect mr. rom no to wind up with a bump out of his convention . and larry sabato doesn't expect a bump for obama. >> gretchen: couple of head lines. a folks news headain loos. the admitted killer in norway, the court ruled that brevic is sane. the maximum sentence is 21 years and can be extended. he claimed that the attack was necessary to prevent muslims from taking over europe . >> former ambassador, riknow
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crocker hut another car and drove away. he pled not guilty. he retired in july citing health issuings. banned for life. lance armstrong banned from cycling forever and stripped him of his sentitles. armstrong denies taking performance enhancing drugs and said it was a witch hunt. there comes a point when he has to say enough is enough. for me it is now. the tollit has taken on my family and work and foundation leads me finished with this nonsense. >> brian: he raised 470 million for cancer research and that's what he overcame since he started the fownation. 92 live strong. straight ahead, remember good old baseball cards?
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they are terrorist cards found in kid's coloring books. >> gretchen: turns out occupy wall street movement pays good. they are pulling for the 99 percent while pulling in fat pay check. stewart varney is standing by with the truth. ♪ ♪ that's what i want. ♪
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but with their raymond james financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. and they danced. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. >> steve: are they pulling for the working man or big pay checks? some union bosses that helped to stoke the anger of the occupy wall street movement are in the one percent themselves . that has infuriated stewart varney . >> it is a case of hipock chrisy . you ran the vothat was not
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necessarily funded by and supported by the unions. it was viciously anti-the one percent. the top income earners. who are the top one percent people? union leaders. i have a list of the top union leaders and how much they earn x. ther in the one percent. headed boy the principle state workers. goy who make $512,000 a year randy weingarten leading the teachers at $493,000 and she is the lady who left the new york state union with a check with unused sick pay and vacation day. >> steve: is there a tran parency that you usually get on wall street? >> i am sure they know what they earn. >> brian: shouldn't they be outraged? >> who? >> brian: the workers.
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the management. >> if you make 343,000 a year you are in the top one percent. clearly all of them make more than that and they are in the top one percent and yet they are vilifying the top one percent. that's straight forward hypocrisy. >> brian: there are union bossesurn that and they are probably part of the two percent. >> one percent want to bes maybe. it seems like it is acceptable to be in the one percent if you are union guy and hollywood actor crony capitalist or friendly executive. but not from wall street or industrial executive company. don't be in the top percent there. you will be vilified but not if you are in the acceptable one percent. >> brian: no kidding.
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how the union dues go to these sal rows and causes. >> what happens if they unonize health care workers underment obama care . and paying top salaries. good stuff. >> steve: no kidding. we'll watch you over on fox business. >> excellent. >> brian: coming up straight ahead on this show. is the main steam media in president obama's pocket. does anybody care if they are. rass rasses -- rassmussen has the break down. >> steve: young people are out of yobs. 17 percent according to the president is an improuvment. you got to hear this. at usaa, we believe honor is not
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>> >> brian: prosecutor claiming that prisoners anyhow about james holmes before he killed people in colorado holmes failed a crucial exam and banned from six weeks before the massiccure. and a maul plane landed on the highway after a pilot said it lost oil . no one was injured. >> gretchen: brand new polls are pulling back the coverage on the twen12 election. according to rassmussen reports, when covering a
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campaign reporters are helping the campaigns with bias coverage. 51 percent think that reporters are working to help reelect president obama and 9 percent helping mitt romney. here is scott rassmussen. good morning to you, scott. >> it is not a surprise as people view reporters as activist. but how deep the skeptcism goes. not only trying to help the candidate they would bury the scoop than report it. >> gretchen: you asked more than the questions we did? >> yes, we did. there is a perception that the media is trying to help
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president obama and republican voters are suspicious about that. and because was that 48 percent to a 26 percent two-one margin. they trust family and friends for reliable information more than reporters. if someone sens you a tweet from the various media outlets. finally a credible source. >> gretchen: your numbers came up 51 percent skeptical. and the folks news channel 61 percent think that the midia want president obama to win. do you have any ideas why it would be higher? >> i haven't seen the specific question fox asked. we offered an option of would it affect their coverage or would offer unbiased coverage. small percentage are offering unbiased coverage. only 9 percent thought they
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were trying to help mitt romney win. the trend is the same. >> gretchen: another question that you asked people when you called them up i guess. media bias or campaign contributions and which one said media bias. and i am interested in asking you scott, how do you compare them with each other. >> we explored this. they don't like media bias and don't like money and they think it is it legalized extortion. and people in the media complain about the media bias. which is the bigger problem? we did it and republicans say media bias is a problem and democrats say campaign cash. one thing worth poigning out. compared to four years ago, there is more concern about money and less concern about
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media bias. that may be the campaign spending. and voters look at it as civic pollution. >> gretchen: i will leave it right there. civic pollution. have a great week. >> you too. >> gretchen: terrorist training cards tucked inside of coloring bookings. what a catch. check it out. 12 foot half ton marlin. the woman who reeled it in joins us now. >> hey, i love your cereal there -- it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck.
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right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one. mom: ready t♪ go to work? ♪
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said they would recommend a low calorie energy supplement to their healthy patients who use energy supplements. seventy-three percent. 5-hour energy has four calories and it's used over nine million times a week. is 5-hour energy right for you? ask your doctor. we already asked 3,000. >> steve: tropical storm isaac could hit florida in the convention. florida is ready for temperature many businesses are already boarded up thanks to obama's business policy. >> gretchen: they are taking a shot. >> brian: they are pulling something out. >> gretchen: you mean the
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convention. >> steve: it is not that well organized we don't know where it will last night you heard them talk being how it is it heading more to texas than florida. stand by, too early to tell. >> gretchen: two men behind bars for the murder of a st. louis volleyball star . police arrested an 18 year old suspect and then another man. they are accused of shooting megan on saturday. they were able to be tracked down thanks to a cell phone. she was set to play in a alumni volleyball game. >> steve: a teenager in las vegas missing after being swept away by flood waters. one man saw it happened and called police for help. >> i saw him he was way down. he was going 40 i miles per
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hour with the water. >> do you know who he is in >> no, i was filming the water myself as i am filming it. he popped up. >> steve: that is awful . search cruc found a sneaker in flood debris . police will be out and hoping for dryer conditions. >> brian: four million young adults are out of work and the president obama labor secretary looking for praise. the bureau released the stats on youth employment and while there is work to be done. opportunities are growing. >> steve: great. >> brian: focusing on the fact that 2.4 million people got work in april and july. that's when more students are looking for hospitality and food service jobs. it is up one and half percent from last quarter.
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>> gretchen: forget about baseball cards. how would you like to give your kids terrorist training cards. big coloring books inc. . they feature the 9/11 terrorist and weeky leaks founder and atm mcvey. they are part of the a coloring book we are not forgetting 9/11 true faces of evil-terror. it is a toaching tool and he points out it has a pg-13 rating. brian in >> brian: i am exhausted. i need to sit. the rocket back on the practicing field this morning. cubelieve it? a guy who is 50. tomorrow with the sugar land squeeters. he will pick for the first time since 2007. he told the fans to get to the game on time.
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>> it is like spring training. i told people to get there early. >> his coach convinced him to come back. i am 50 and i will try temperature every time he will not make it a big come back it is a come back. and the manager of the brox bombers losing his cool with a white sox fan. he was heckling. >> what made him good all year. >> hey, hey, hey. hut up. >> brian: they call would joe girdardi a bum. it is in chicago . and he asked the security to kick the fan out. the yankees got swept by chicago and seen their lead shrink. >> steve: and tossing the first pitch in citifield
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before the mets game . rockies went on to beat home field . and coming up on the radio. we have congressman allen west. all coming up on xm sirius . and maybe a local . >> gretchen: it is true when they say there is fish in the sea. our next guest able to land a 12 foot 1,000 pound marlin. molly wasn't able to take home the grand prize because the fish was so big her teammates had to lend a hand. joining us from ohio is the winner molly palmer. >> hi, how is it going. >> steve: what point durealize you had on the line in the fishing contest a 12 foot long
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marlin weighing 1022 pounds . >> we saw the fin jump once and had no idea how big it was until we got it on the boat. it took five hours >> steve: how do you feel at that time? >> ready to get out. >> gretchen: is it a world record in >> if i had caught it myself it would be a woman's world record . but i didn't know that at the time. >> brian: what did the guide do? >> after a couple of hours of fighting the fish die. it is a technique called planning up the fish and take a little bit of line and i did that an hour and half i was not able to stop it from fallug. and i had to have help bring
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the line in. >> gretchen: technically that meant you didn't do it on the own. you weren't able to collect the prize money . >> that's right. rules say only the angler is able to touch the reel and rod. 92 you lost out on $39,000. it is simple physics . you only weigh little more than 150 pound that weighs a thousand pounds . you need help. >> when i was fighting the fish. i was doing well and winning. i fought it so good i actually killed it. when it is dead there is no fight left it is just hauled off. >> brian: the fish quit on you. do you get to eat on it the rest of the summer. >> yes, it is moked and stale and we'll have it mounted.
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>> gretchen: how do you go from being a model which you were before to an expert fisherwoman? >> i always have been a fisherwoman since before being a model . it is it a lot less work and more fun. >> brian: what about the fish being big yer closer to the shore? >> i am not a marhine biologist. >> brian: neither is george castanza. >> steve: molly you did get help. but what is the moral to the story if you are able to figure it out at this point? >> do what you love and count on people that you trust. i have been fishing with the team for about a year now and we haven't weighed a fish ever before together. and so you know, the moral of the story don't do it for the money but do it for the loave. >> gretchen: congratulations
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to you molly . we'll consider it a world record . >> that sounds great to me, thank you. >> gretchen: hats off to you. >> steve: we changed to "fox and friends" and fish. >> brian: she has to get up and deal with hawaii's weather. >> steve: straight ahead on the friday show . national urban league wants nike to pull their $300 pair ofniquers. is this really a civil right's issue in we'll report and you will decide. >> brian: heat is on in homeland security. janle napalitano sued. agents is saying that she is forcing them to let illegals break the law . they will not take it anymore . [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people are choosing advil® for their headaches.
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>> gretchen: 44 machines after the top of the hour. cost of the federal stimulus package is continuing to climb. $833 billion, i toweled it was climbing. the recovery act signed by president obama was originally projected to cost $787 billion. casey anthony is a free woman. probation ended at midnight. this is a year after acquitted of killing her daughter caylee. >> steve: sticker shock and outrage over a new pair of nike. the national urban league wants nike to pull because they target kids who can't
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afford school supplies. the question is are expensive sneakers a civil right's issue. not according to jayson raleigh. >> is that a civil right's issue. >> i share the sticker shock. $300 for a pair of sneakers. when you look at the real problems facing black america . 14.4 percent unemployment and 6 points higher than the national average. and kids heading back to the worst schools and most violent schools with the worst performing teachers and this is what the national urban league wants to talk about, the price of sneakers it doesn't make sense? >> steve: it is insensitive to market a $300 shoe to kids and teens as people are going back to school and struggling to buy school supplies is not
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food or rent it is a single pair ofniquers. he said it is intensive. and they are worried about the feelings. >> his comments should be directed at the black community. this is about values and a culture that puts bling and conspicous consumption ahead of industry and threat. the focus needs to be on the black community to rectify that . blaming corporate america is not fixing that problem. >> steve: you write, jason, instead of blaming corporate america is not to do focus on race real or imagined. >> it is shifting the blame. not only on this cultures andibility -- sensibility. the achievement gap in school is not because black kids watch more television. it is because the at the times
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are biased. the criminal justice system is racist it is shifting blame and they are not doing favors for the people they claim to represent>> steve: is this fitting in with the message of fairness? >> this fits in with a civil right's agenda that is all about justifying their existence. i would submit if they have time to focus on the price was sneakers they should be worried about justifying their existence. 92 is what about the family in this? the kid wants sneakers and the family said we can't afford it you can go out and work for it or come up with money? >> what is next. luxury cars and watches that other blacks can't afford. >> steve: free enterprizes system at work.
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you very much. interesting conversation . next up on the run down. suing their bosses. immigration officials firing back and say they are force tod break the law. congressman from texas here to explain. what celebrity is caught channeling her inner lucy. who is underlet question mark and you will not believe the stunning resemblance. we have explaining to do when we come back. [ male announcer ] at scottrade,
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>> brian: 10 agents in the u.s. immigration is suing the bosses. the federal government. agents claim the new immigration policy that lets young illegal immigrants to avoid deportation and get an work permit is breaking the law. they are suing homeland security secretary ask their boss. our congressman from texas is a favorite guest. do these 10 have a case? >> they do . it is it a solid case. it doesn't matter if you are in the law enforce am or military it is it a clear law. you cannot be ordered to violate the law. you cannot be ordered to do an unlawful act. the law is clear brian.
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congress made clear and especially in 1996, that if someone is detained or you find someone who is illegally in the country, you have to detain them and give them a notice to appear as a minimum to appear in a hearing. we have one of the plaintiffs who has an ice agent ordered to violate the law as they all have been. he pick somebody up and the oral orders are if they just say they meet the president's goid lions they have to be let g. even if they are a serial killer or terrorist. you they have to be let go. one of the plaintiffs gave the notice to appear and he was suspended for three days for following the law. >> brian: if i am here illegally . my partners brought me here as
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a kid and if you arrest me, that ice agent is in trouble and you are saying in this case that person got suspended? >> suspended for three days and as he said in the lawsuit, if he gets a second he will lose his job. you just can't be getting suspensions. it is it a blot on your employment. and they have been directed oral low, the lawsuit alleges that all it takes to just raise the issue that you meet the president's requirements. let's be here. there is proscueitorial discretion at the adjudication proceedings, but no discreation at owl if you detain them. the law is clear. >> brian: the president the way he phrased and asked the ice agents to implement is
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logical? >> it is a complete diversion away. and until president obama gets the coronation where we make him king. he is not allowed to read the law and say you know what, as i peek so it shall be. that is what kings. as of yet he is not allowed to disobey the law and that is what he's done. >> brian: we have a king that visited vegas and that didn't go well. the supreme court long recognized the executive branch authority to: this authority was reiterated by the supreme court in arizona versus the united states. i am allowed to do this. and we'll see how they do in
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court knowing you are in their corner. thank you soy much. >> thank you. >> brian: 7 tour de frances gone. lance armstrong banned for life from the sport. why the cyclist finally gave up the fight to prove his innocence and what he did for the disease that almost killed him all eyes on isaac and the upcoming republican convention. we are live in tampa to so if that convention can be stopped.
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looking back, it's amazing how far i've come. shriners hospitals have everything to do with that. i was in an accident. i was burned. i lost my hands, my feet. i really thought my life was over. shriners did a lot more than just heal me. they helped me put my whole life back together. caitlin's life is one of nearly a million changed by donations from people like you. send your love to the rescue. donate today. >> gretchen: tgif. it's friday, august 24. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing part of your day with us today. all eyes are on isaac this morningful the massive tropical storm gaining power in the caribbean and headed towards hurricane strength now and now
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tampa could be in its cross hairs. we're live with the very latest. >> brian: plus, just three days before the convention, mitt romney is neck in neck with president obama. but there may be even better news for the republican candidate. that coming up. fox news polls revealed to you shortly. >> steve: okay. and they're here in this country illegally. now one college says they may go to school for free? that's right. scholarships for illegals. where is that happening? we'll tell you. "fox & friends," hour 2 for friday starts right now. ♪ a little george strait in 1982 and it makes me want to take a back road ♪ ♪ makes me want to take the long way home ♪ >> gretchen: you're listening to rodney atkins. he's not on stage yet b but
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he'll be performing. it's the final week of our summer concert series. >> brian: very sad. >> gretchen: he'll be out there at -- when are you going to interview. playing music at 8:50 a.m. >> steve: if you're hungry, famous dave's is wrapping up their summer long barbecue. that's got a nice spread. it's all for you. by the way, today out on practice stage at the finale, coming up before 9:00 o'clock, something that will happen to that stage that we've never done before. >> brian: right. i know what it is. >> gretchen: is anyone going to tell me? >> steve: pyrotechnics. >> brian: we have pirates. >> steve: no, pyro. >> brian: these guys, rodney atkins here, he's going to be headlines the rnc welcoming party. we hope he's welcoming us on monday. >> steve: the big question is, is he going to be wearing a rain slicker? we start right now with an
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extreme weather alert. all eyes on tropical storm isaac. it threatens to derail perhaps the rnc in tampa. let's go to janis dean. i know it's too early to tell where it's going to go, but if it doesn't impact tampa, it will impact somebody in the united states. >> exactly right. that is the take home point is that isaac is coming to the gulf of mexico. all eyes need to be on the storm from the central gulf, southeast texas all the way to the florida keys. that's the take away from this storm system. 45 miles per hour sustained winds. just a storm of the we are expecting it to strengthen as it moves into the gulf of mexico. so there is the track. we'll get a new advisory at 8:00 a.m. moving across cuba overt weekend. then very close to or on top of the keys, south florida, you're still in play, tampa, you're still in play. i want to make mention, yesterday afternoon we saw some of the computer models moving westward. that's why this track spanned westward.
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this morning, we're starting to see them track eastward again. from southeast texas, inclung new orleans, panhandle florida, be on alater for this storm system. i want to show you the sea surface temperatures. that's the fuel the storm will be provided once it gets into the gulf of mexico. if the storm is intact, we could see rapid strengthening. we could see a category 2 storm, possibly even a 3 if the storm is intact. so just a quick look at the computer models. we go further out, still a lot of discrepancy. south florida and the state of florida, you are in play this morning. back to you. >> steve: all right. so it is a serious storm. we just don't know where it will head. thank you. >> brian: for our continuing coverage of isaac, we go to steve. it's going to hit somewhere, but just focusing on the convention, what are the rnc telling you about isaac and possibly preparing for in case it hits? >> they are spending a lot more
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time on the phone, which is hard to believe because some of these folk high school a phone glued to their ear already. what they've been doing is monitoring things quite a bit. the state of florida has fired up its emergency operation center, which essentially coordinates information from the national hurricane forecast center, local police and fire agencies and other meteorologist s watching along the western coast of florida. they will let folks know, as they need to know, about whether or not the storm will have an impact on them, whether or not they'll be flooding, heavy rains or an actual possibility of a hurricane coming in land. none of that coming up yet. but the rnc is being prepared for this. they are essentially taking a position of watching, waiting and drawing up contingencies. >> we're very comfortable with all of the plans that we have in place. we're going to continue to monitor it. if we need adjustment, we can take that as it comes. but for now, we're planning full start on monday to host our
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convention here examine we look forward to an exciting event. >> by exciting, he doesn't mean a hurricane coming this way. he means the convention itself. we have been assured over and over again that regardless of the weather situation, the business of the rnc will get taken care of. one additional item, ann romney's speech for monday, likely being moved to tuesday. not because of our hurricane coming, but because of national tv coverage. more prime time exposure for the wife of the nominee back to you in new york. >> gretchen: thanks very much for that update. >> brian: a lot of that, there is a football game. >> steve: i think the bad weather will have more people tune not guilty to see about the weather and might catch a little of the rnc. it could be a net, net plus. >> gretchen: let's talk about fox news polls. these polls were asking people likely voters. these people who actually have intentions of going to the polls
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in november, and check it out. the romney-ryan ticket sitting on top within the margin of error, 45% that people polled would choose them. 44% would choose obama-biden ticket. it's within the margin of error, but it's interesting because i think this is one of the first polls that has shown them on top. >> brian: the 12 combatle ground states, overall, it's by one. in independents, it's convincing. it's a huge difference. mitt romney has 42% of the independent vote. 32% for the president. and these are likely voters. 26% still unsure. they say one in ten voters today have still yet to make up their mind. >> steve: bad news for the president is those independents are the ones who drove him to a victory and now it seems, according to these likely voter polling that we've done, it looks like they're breaking for mitt romney. meanwhile, has the country changed for the better or the
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worse in the last four years in ronald reagan made that his battle cry when he was running for president. and this, too, not good news for the president. 4 it% of you -- 42% say the country is worse off. a quarter say absolutely no difference. these polls come at the same time as the gallup and rasmussen daily tracking poll have them in essentially a dead heat. >> gretchen: why is this poll different? i don't know if those polls look at likely voters, but it's important to point that out because those are the people who actually go and vote. it's one thing to ask somebody on the phone, who do you like and that person has no intention, maybe they're not even registered to vote. it's a whole different story when you get a pool of people who you're questioning who are registered and who planning to to the polls. >> brian: i like to see a poll among people that still pick up their phone in the kitchen at
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dinner time, like rotary. >> gretchen: i some sort of a poll place called me last night. sorry. >> brian: that was me. i was working and i thought i would give you a call. women votes still belongs to the president by 6. black vote, 86% of african-americans will vote for the president. >> gretchen: let's get in some headlines. we have a fox news alert. right wing extremist behind a massacre in norway will spend years behind bars. anders behring breivik is sane, but they sentenced him to a period of ten to 21 years behind bars. he claimed that -- remember that attack last year, that horrible attack? he says he had to do it to prevent muslims from taking over europe. it left 77 people dead. say good-bye to cycling and your seven tour defrance titles. a stunning message to lance armstrong after he said he stopped challenging the doping charges. he denies taking performance enhancing drugs. he says the investigation was a
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witch hunt. in a statement, he said, quote, there comes a point in every man's life when he has to say, enough is enough. for me, that time is now. the toll this has taken on my family and work for our foundation and on me leads me to where i am today, finished with this nonsense. can you tell a difference? actress sofia vergara getting a lucille ball makeover. she posted this picture on her twitter account with the caption, lucy, i'm home. so far there is no explanation for the transformation, but she pretty much nailed it, kind of. >> steve: she's got the hair. >> gretchen: why would she do that? i don't really like the facial expression. i'm not sure what she was going for there. >> steve: it's very lucy. listen, if you're in the country illegally and you can't go to college because you can't get a scholarship because you're in the country illegally, good news for you because up at hampshire college in massachusetts, they're starting a new endowment. they raised $350,000 so far. they want to raise a million.
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they want to give it to probably one student per year, will get $25,000 per year over the four years there at that particular college to pursue the american dream, even though they're in the country illegally. >> brian: i got my issue with them. it's a great paper boy. he hits the door sometimes. professor writes here, she is the one who organized the endowment and they're going to be handing out $25,000 every year for four years now. that's what she looks like. she thinks it's about time that illegals get their education paid for nonresponsive i think it's interesting to point out the classes that this professor teaches at this college. social movement, feminism, occupy wall street protest classes. >> brian: that's a class? >> gretchen: that's a class. she also says she believes higher education is a right. not a privilege. of course, the american dream to upward mobility. >> steve: one of the problems in the past has been that after -- you get a go degree at a great
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college, but then you're in the country illegally, you couldn't qualify for a job if they checked with the everify. somebody might go through the system for four years. next thing you know, they got a degree, can't get the job. >> brian: i don't know how you end the occupy classes. you spray them out of the hose? >> gretchen: free trip o tampa. shocking video, a mother holding her young son, tumbles right onto the train tracks. so what happens next? we'll tell you. >> brian: where is underdog when you need him? then, remember when the president promised hope and change and says he's only delivered? fear and blame. is that true or just politics as usual? our panel here for a fair and balanced debate next [ male announcer ] what if that hemorrhoid pain
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>> while the democratic party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divide instead of held back our progress. >> brian: how did that go? on that night that he was elected, president obama vow to do unite the country. four years later, critics argue his campaign has been less than unifying, especially in their attacks on mitt romney this time around. >> vanity fair published an article on the millions of dollars mitt romney has in tax havens like bermuda and the kay man islands. >> did he put his money there to' void paying u.s. taxes? >> we don't know. >> either mitt romney through his own word and signature was misrepresenting his position at bain to the sec, which is a felony. >> he thinks he can operate under a different set of rules. he has a sense of entitlement. >> brian: could the negative
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tone of this campaign be doing more to divide americans than bring them together and raise poll ratings? let's ask our panel, john, the editor of commentary magazine and columnist for the "new york post." monica is here, a business and financial expert. tamara holder is here, fox news contributor, seen all over the channel. let's start with you, john. has it been negative or par for the course and we forget from four years to four years? >> it's incredibly negative examine par for the course. barak obama faced the circumstance of which he was running for reelection under less than optimal circumstances under those conditions, either the election was going to be a referendum about him or it was going to be a referendum about his opponent. and very clearly, very obviously and very blatantly, he made the decision in the spring to go as negative as he possibly could to define mitt romney in the worst possible way for an american public who did not know who he was. that was completely within the
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bounds of normal political discourse, but it doesn't do some violence to his own standing as the person who is going to heal the divide. >> brian: monica, the president seems to be focusing still and his staff on tax. wants his taxes, even his press conference earlier in the week, he brought that up. >> yeah. there is definitely a tone of contempt for successful people and i think that's incredibly divisive. and it started off with hey, successful person, you're not paying your fair share. now it's turned into successful person, you didn't build that. and you don't deserve it. that's actually pretty dangerous. >> brian: tamara, you find the president's been negative or are you just thinking that he's running a good strategy? >> i think it's a good strategy. look, we have 90% of people, larry sabato, on the show a lot, says 90% of the people in america have a partisan view. they identify as republicans or democrats. so there is already a division
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in america, regardless of the tone. and obama and romney are both trying to excite their base. how are they going to do it? obama is going to say, look, we want to guy who wants to run on the economy. that's his message. but he can't even show his own tax returns. i mean, i'm still trying to figure out what is this guy paying in taxes. >> brian: who cares? why does that matter when the economy is tanking and getting worse? >> but it's the message that he's talking about the economy. and there are two sets of rules. i can send my money overseas. >> brian: he complied with the law. he has to give more -- >> how do you know that? >> it's very simple. you have to run on something. you have to run on something. so barak obama thought he was going to be running in 2012 at a time of recovery and there is not much of a recovery -- >> he's running on manipulation is what he's running on. >> it's a country that people are suffering and he's playing into those just feelings by
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telling people, you should look at your successful neighbor and if you're feeling bad, it's his fault. by taxing that person, it's not going to pay your mortgage or fix the economy. >> he never said it's somebody else's fault for you not being successful. >> he's clearly said your success is not your own of the we've heard that. >> that is not a manipulation. >> it's telling people that you deserve someone else's success. >> brian: so effective is that message is the theme of the republican convention. when the president said, you didn't build that. >> he spent $120 million over the course of the summer, the president. 120 election his election campaign. unprecedented amount for the pregeneral election season. on june 23, barak obama was ahead in the real clear polls average by 2.4 points. today, 1. so he spent $120 million and
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romney is in better position now than he was before that onslaught began. so it hasn't worked that well. >> brian: we're going to see because there is conventions coming up. we'll see where we sit after the fall when kids are back to school. thanks so much for joining us today. now you have free access to the barbecue and the band. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, her world is illusion. voices tell her to kill and she's schizophrenic. wait. she's only nine years old. one family's struggle to deal with a devastating diagnosis no one saw coming. even our troops get not gettingn on the call me maybe craze. all started by the harvard baseball team. ♪ so call me maybe ♪ ♪
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>> steve: now it's time for your news by the numbers. the famous dave's edition. first up, 980. that's how many slabs of ribs famous dave's served up throughout the entire summer each friday during all of our american summer concert series. 560, that's how many quarters of beans, right over here action were cooked up and served with the ribs. and finally, 4800, that's the number of delicious corn muffins famous dave's made for "fox & friends." good news, they start serving in about ten minutes from right now. delicious. gretch, in to you. >> gretchen: thank you.
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when jannie was born in 2002, there were no issues. everything seemed normal. that quickly changed at just a week old, she started sleeping only 20 minutes a day. and from there, things got worse. the family didn't know what to do, especially when their daughter turned violent, attacking her baby brother and trying to end her own life. finally in 2009 at the age of six, she was diagnosed with childhood onset schizophrenia, a diagnosis that is extremely rare in children that young. now her father, michael, is sharing his family's story in the new book "january 1". he's my guest this morning. good morning to you. >> good morning, gretchen. thank you for having me on. >> gretchen: wow. the life that you have lived with this beautiful child of yours is one that most people can never understand. i have read through most of your book and this story is an amazing one. at the beginning of her life, she was actually brilliant. you thought she was a savant of sorts, right?
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>> yeah. that was really how i rationalized her increasingly antisocial behavior, you know. at 18 months, she was speaking in greaticcally correct sentences. she newt function of blood in the human body and pressure on venus and things like that. so when she started to withdraw from other kids at three and started becoming hostile, i just thought it was part of -- it went along with her genius and that was how i rationalized. >> gretchen: you went to autism specialists because you thought maybe she was on the spectrum of has berger's. but then finally at age six, you got that diagnosis on that day. tell us what happened. >> well, it was a two- almost a
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two-year process to get the diagnosis. it's not like we just went in and the doctor said, oh, she's childhood schizophrenia. when we finally got the diagnosis, it wasn't even like, you know, they said she has -- in fact, i remember the day, the doctor said we've ruled out everything but child onset schizophrenia. and my first reaction was one, i know this will sound strange, but it was one of relief because we finally had a name for what it is that had been ripping away her personality for the last couple of years. and i thought okay, we can bring it out into the light. but then there was the crushing realization of what it is. >> gretchen: exactly. we're look at video of her right now. i want to show a piece of video that you supplied to us that
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shows her on what you deemed to be one of her bad days. this was on a day when she was threatening to do bodily harm. >> you going to cut your hand off? what day is it today? this is what we do to get into ucla because they don't -- you've got -- >> gretchen: this was when you finally brought her to ucla to get treatment. she's been on some sort of a drug cocktail now. but she was in ucla for quite some time. you at one point in your family moved into separate apartments because for the safety of your young son, right? >> that's correct. for about 2 1/2 years, in fact, that was my wife's idea, by sort of mid 2009, jani had been in ucla for four months and it looked like she was just
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slipping, going to slip into her own world and never come back. i didn't want that to happen in the hospital. so i wanted my wife, susan, to take her and go up to her parents in the bay area and susan came up with the idea of two apartments. what we did is, it was one apartment for jani, one for bodi. >> gretchen: we're up against a hard break here, i'm sorry. but that ended up being fine. you are under one roof together now as a family and your child is ten years old. check out this amazing book called "january 1". michael scofield is the father. thank you for your time. >> thank you for having me on. >> gretchen: coming up, shocking video caught on camera, a mother holding her young son. watch this. stumbles onto the train track. what happens next? we'll tell you. the country superstar rodney atkins is rocking our summer concert series stage. we'll talk to him next. this is the plan that revolves around you.
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♪ here's my number ♪ so call me maybe ♪ and i'll be out the door ♪ . >> brian: u.s. army soldiers in afghanistan, the men who fight, busting out their version of
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"call me maybe." the soldiers are stationed in an area not easy. they put it together to let their families know how much they miss them and helped boost morale. by the way, this has become such a rage, they've held up releasing her second album. >> steve: is that right? >> brian: more singles rather, because people keep doing this. it all started with the harvard baseball team! >> steve: is there not another song in america that people can lip sync to? >> brian: it makes you feel good. >> gretchen: we had those wonderful farm boys on the show. remember? they did their lyrics to "living out on the farm. >> brian: the only song that's better than this "i think i love you" that keith partridge sang. >> gretchen: i don't know any other lyrics other than that. >> steve: you just repeat. >> brian: it's all the same thing over examine overment danny was no help. turns out he lip tara syncs.
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>> brian: receive, we saw you leave. it looks very unprofessional. >> steve: call me maybe. >> gretchen: okay. now to your headlines. new information about the accused colorado shooter. prosecutors saying james holmes made threats before the movie massacre that killed 12 people. the nature of those threats is unclear, but prosecutors say police did know about them. we also learned he failed a crucial exam and banned from the university six weeks before the rampage. it's suggested that may have been his motive. >> brian: the former u.s. ambassador to iraq and afghanistan now facing drunk driving charges and hit and run charges? his vehicle allegedly collided with a semi truck in washington state. but authorities say he kept driving. witness called police and crocker was later stopped. fortunately, no one was hurt. police say crocker's registered
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twice the legal alcohol limit and pleading not guilty. he retired as ambassador to afghanistan in july, citing a health issue. did great work in both places. >> gretchen: video out of boston. watch that. that is a mom holding her four-year-old son, walks right off the subway platform and falls onto the tracks. it happened in the middle of the rush hour commute. the woman falling so hard, she dropped her son and couldn't get up. luckily a group of good samaritans jumped into action, helping both of them to safety. no one -- >> brian: the child's head, too. >> gretchen: nobody was hurt, wow. >> brian: talk about fake it 'til you make it, you're look at a 21-year-old student who went all out to make police think he's a celebrity. had body guards. even paparrazzi following him around. guess what? his plan worked. hundreds of people stopped to ask for pictures and autographs.
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some claiming they were his biggest fans. >> gretchen: no way. >> what was it like meeting him? [ cheering ] >> i love him! >> he's beautiful! >> i think he's awesome. i think he's got a great future in the movie business. i took a picture with him. >> gretchen: this is so sad. >> brian: all part of a social experiment his friends came up with. he said it was cool to feel famous for a day. >> gretchen: why did those people thought they loved him? they thought they had seen him on what? >> brian: i'm not sure. i don't know how the follow-up questions went or if he had a whole show or story line. steve, you don't have to pay to follow you around with bodyguards and paparrazzi. they all want a shot of doocy on stage with famous musicians. >> steve: we have somebody famous, not just famous dave, but that guy right there, a country music star who continues to record hit after hit after hit. in two days, he'll be rocking out in front of thousands of republicans in tampa. rodney atkins is set to headline
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the rnc welcoming party this sunday. his latest album is "tate back road." ladies and gentlemen, give it up for rodney atkins today! [ cheers and applause ] >> what's up? >> steve: great to have you back. >> great to be here. >> steve: listen, everybody is look toward the weather down in the tampa area. you're supposed to do one of the opening numbers at the welcoming party. are you worried about the weather? >> of course. i don't know what's going to happen. it's an honor to get to be there. we will be there come any way possible. >> steve: hell or high water. >> i guess so. >> steve: do you have a rubber hat in case it's raining? >> of course, i do. >> steve: now, i saw somebody describe you as hard working country boy from tennessee. but you're very patriotic. you just returned from, was it your first uso tour?
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n yes. it was the first time ever. we went to kuwait, camp bering, then to afghanistan. we were there going out of camp leatherneck to other bases. man, it changed my life. >> steve: how did it change your life? i've heard that from other guys and gals who return and they say, i had no idea. i seen the stuff on television, but i had no idea what they were up against. >> they get four inches of rain a year. it all happens at once. and you see those kids out there working out, getting their physical training in, in the freezing rain sideways and it's 25, 30 degrees, they're out there doing pullups, carrying sandbags back and forth, just working out to have each other's back, and i never heard one person complain.
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god bless the men and women and their families. the support system is incredible. >> steve: very nice. as i understand, rodney, you did not realize that one of your songs was in the brand-new bourne movie, did you? >> i didn't. i started getting messages from friends who had seen the movie. nice placement. like i had anything to do with it. but that's very cool. >> steve: it was song "cleaning this gun." >> yeah. >> steve: so i haven't seen the movie yet, is he cleaning the gun? >> i think he has the radio cranked up and singing along. tender father-daughter song. >> steve: cleaning the gun. listen, we know you've got a lot of fans already here, 48th and 6th avenue. come on out today because you're going to be performing. you got a lot of stuff oidiophore us today. >> we're ready. >> steve: rodney atkins, the latest album "take the road back" coming back very shortly. very nice. gretchen, brian, in to you for a
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preview of coming attractions. >> gretchen: thank you very much. next up, swing state polls are swinging in mitt romney's direction. what's behind the boost? been mcdonnel joins us next. >> brian: then, we're making their dreams come treatment the surprise of a lifetime for a real american hero and his family. >> we're from the home contest. >> thank you. >> brian: we'll introduce you to our third and final set of home makeover winners. but first, aflac trivia question of the day. >> gretchen: born on this day in 1960. >> brian: known for breaking lou gehrig's record and appearing on fox friends friends. who is he? be first. [ male announcer ] when this hotel added aflac
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to provida better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] i ha ha!
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>> brian: new polling shows the race is tightening, i'm talk being the presidential race, especially in swing states momentum going in mitt romney's direction in many of those states. let's look at what's happening in the past three weeks. president obama's lead shrinking in eight of these nine states, as you see. and the biggest changes coming in the states with the most electoral votes at stake. can mitt romney win and what's it going to take to close the gap quickly over the next 70 plus days? virginia governor mcdonnel working hard for governor romney. well, first off, six times congressman ryan now vp nominee, has been in virginia. are there signs he's making progress? >> good morning, brian. yeah. i think so. six times in the two weeks he's
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been the nominee, he's connecting well with the people just in roanoke yesterday. there is just a lot of enthusiasm, i think, about this ticket, and as you pointed out with the new fox poll, independent voters now tilting by a ten-point margin so the romney-ryan ticket. i think it's for a simple reason. that is with the economy in the tank and unemployment over 8% for 40 months and gas prices doubling, people just want to see government work. they want to see results and the romney-ryan approach to lifting up the middle class with a specific plan, i think is getting people going their way. that's why they're going to win virginia. >> brian: i know you've been working hard and you're probably on the inside in terms of overall strategy. interesting column today, mitt romney talked about his days at bain. what he learned in various businesses and how he would apply that to our economy. so there is a strategy it seems to be in place after taking a battering for really six months.
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>> well, i think the president's played a small ball campaign strategy while the economy and jobs and debt and deficit and energy clearly are the top issues. he's talking about tax returns and bain capital. bain's experience for mitt romney shows he knows how to create jobs in the private sector and as you pointed out, he knows how to make decisions. we've got washington that's basically at a stand still, can't get things done. the president's been a bystander, not a strong leader. and i think people are getting a great sense of that and no plan to get us out of the debt and america back to work. i do think that his management experience, as well as experience as a governor, of course, i'm biased, is a real asset during the campaign. >> brian: right now you see the american people taking a look at mitt romney. what do you think has to happen during the convention for him to make the move from close to ahead in these 12 battle ground states? >> brian, people like you and i that pay attention have been
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watching it for a year. a lot of these independent voters, even though they're inclined to vote for mitt romney, they're just starting to dial in. labor day is the time, 60 days out, where people start to focus. this convention i think will be a great chance to have mitt romney and paul ryan and the rest of the team introduce themselves to the casual voter, the unaligned voter who will say, what's going on with those republicans? they'll watch. i think they'll see a mitt romney different than what the left has been portraying him. he's warm, a grandfather. he's smart. he's got a specific plan. he wants to cut through the rhetoric and actual lea get results. and i think they'll like what they see and give us a lot of momentum down the stretch. >> brian: governor, thank you for joining us. we look forward to seeing you next week in samba. >> thank you. >> brian: the surprise of a lifetime for a real american hero and his family. >> you won the home contest.
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>> thank you! >> brian: we'll introduce you to our third and final set of home makeover winners next. but first, this day in history, 1984, "ghostbusters "was the number one song of the and bill murray kept us safe, along with some other guys.
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>> steve: the answer to the aflac trivia question of the day, cal ripken, junior. the winner, david jones of roxboro, north carolina. >> brian: davie jones. >> steve: congratulations. >> gretchen: surprise of a lifetime for some viewers this week. we know when times get tough taking care of your home falls to the bottom of the list. especially if you are in the military and constantly sent
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overseas. so we partnered with gaf, north america's largest roofing manufacturer, and ply gem, the leading manufacturer of exterior building products in america to give three deserving viewers a complete home exterior makeover. >> steve: we've seen two. now it's time for number three this morning. ainsley is in missouri get regularred to introduce us to the can you tell us family. good morning to you. >> good morning. we're in the midwest, it's beautiful here. we are with the kurtz family. you mentioned the three families. this is the third. the first was a family with an illness. the second, a family affected by a natural disaster. and this third family, the winning military family, the kurtzs. they lived here for 17 years. he served in the military for 34, he's retired, suffering from ptsd, injured in the military. and also has heart problems. they're raising their nieces in this house. so it's time that we do something for them. take a listen to their story.
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>> here we go. >> you won the gaf contest. >> thank you! >> oh, my god! >> we picked the kurtz family here as our winner in the military category fort gat homeliest home contest, from a military angle, gaf, we are american owned, american made company. it's really thrilling to be able to do this for someone as a military winner. >> actually my brother-in-law called us. i thought, this is kind of crazy. why would i do this? him being in the military for so long, you know, getting hurt in iraq, that was not a good thing for us. and then the ptsd. we decided to take a chance. you never know. >> i enlisted in the army in 1972. been three years active duty in
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the army and about two years after i got out, i joined the air force reserves. i had one of the best retirement ceremonyies i had ever seen. been to a lot of them. and something very special. my wife was awarded. >> yeah. i got a big statue of an eagle and it writes, behind every man, there is a good woman. i always had somebody living with me always. i never would turn anybody away. we didn't have much, but what i had, everybody is welcome to. these are my nieces. we're raising them in hopes of being able to adopt them here soon. >> you've been here 17 years. what do you love about the house? is there anything that you dislike about your home? >> i've got some of the best neighbors in the world on both sides of us. >> basically just the outside, how it looks because, like,
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every time my school bus goes by and everything, people always say mean things about the house. >> cedar siding is not good. it takes so much to keep it up. >> yeah, and it's break now. >> if you lose a piece of t you got to buy a whole bundle. >> it's a lot of maintenance on this. that's one of the things we're going to take care of you on. low maintenance, energy efficiency, beautiful roof that does both. >> yep. >> it won't look like the same house, it really won't. it will be amazing. >> you're going to hear what her friends saying now about this new house. we're going to show you the big reveal coming up at 8:20 eastern time. so stick around for that. we'll talk to the kurtz family examine get reaction. back to you. >> steve: she's going to show us very shortly. thanks. >> gretchen: love these stories. next up, suing their bosses? immigration officers firing back at the obama administration saying they're being forced to break the law.
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>> steve: geraldo is here at the top of the hour on that one. that's not all. still a big show ahead. charles gasparino, judge jeanine pirro and rodney atkins with the final concert of the summer and the folks are already lining up hey, i love your cereal there -- it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one.
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[ woman ] welcome to learning spanish in the car. you've got to be kidding me. this is good. vamanos. vamanos. vamanos. gracias. gracias. gracias. ♪ trece horas en el carro sin parar y no traes musica. mira entra y comprame unas papitas. [ male announcer ] get up to 795 miles per tank
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in the 2013 passat tdi clean diesel. that's the power of german engineering. see your local dealer for special lease and finance rates during the autobahn for all event. see yoit's time to live... special lease and finance rates wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system from beautyrest...
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it's you, fully charged. receive up to a $300 beautyrest visa prepaid card when you buy select beautyrest mattress sets. >> gretchen: tgif, it's friday, august 24. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing part of your day with us. target, tampa. another t, tropical storm isaac back on track. it could hit the home of the republican national convention. so will the show go on? plus the huge line - up change we just learned about, we're live in tampa moments away. >> steve: they're just doing their job, arresting and deporting illegals. now ice agents could be fired for following the law. geraldo following that story. he's live with us in moments. >> brian: right. he's sitting now, though. plus, seven tour defrance titles are gone. lance armstrong banned for life from the sport that catapulted him to superstar dom. why the cyclist finally gave up
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the fight to prove his innocence. that story starts right now because the home of the 2012 election is upon you. >> gretchen: there it is. ♪ giving this life everything we got and then some ♪ ♪ isn't always pretty ♪ these are my people ♪ yeah ♪ . >> steve: country boy from tennessee. these are his people today. that's rodney atkins, final
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performer in our summer concert series. getting toward a full house. the big number is coming at the end of the hour. >> brian: if you're a lifeguard, when it's over, you got to go to school. take the bull frog off, put a suit on and go back to work. >> steve: a lot of people are already back to school. >> gretchen: a lot of people started their election cycle just moments ago when you went back to saying election. >> brian: we are the home of the 2012 election. >> gretchen: all right. we'll get to hear that for the next 70 takes. now an extreme weather alert. all eyes on tropical storm isaac now. as it threatens to derail the republican national convention in tampa. let's go live to janis dean. a new report came out, right? >> yes, ma'am. you're so smart. >> gretchen: i listen to you. >> yes, new advisory out. 50 mile-per-hour winds. that's the big take home of this advisory and so we are seeing a stronger storm. hurricane hunters were in flying the storm. they noticed stronger wind and
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the pressure dropped. so yes, a strengthening storm system. we think it will be a storm as it moves over the southwest coast of haiti. this area devastated by earthquake a couple of years ago. so this could be just so terrible for these people. hundreds of thousands still living in tents. as we head to monday, south florida, the keys still watching this storm system. depending on if the storm is intact, that's going to really give us an idea of how much it could strengthen in the gulf of mexico. waters here are like a hot tub. so if this storm is in a good shape, if we still have a core, it could strengthen very rapidly. you can see that cone, tampa, you're still there. i'm not ruling you out here as we go further out in time. we could still see tropical storm force conditions. certainly heavy rain, flooding. yes, the risk of tornadoes. we'll keep you up to date. i'll be here this weekend. back to you. >> gretchen: all right, we will, to. we'll hang out later on. thanks. >> steve: meanwhile, as we just saw from her map, tampa is still in that cone of uncertainty.
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what will the republicans do? let's go live to tampa and steve brown in downtown. okay, what's going to happen? >> they're starting to make contingencies. one is communicating with the state's emergency operation center which fires up every time that there is a threat of a hurricane causing some weather-related havoc in the state of florida. they're going to spend a lot of time communicating with those folks because this is the center that coordinates all of the information from the national hurricane center, from the local meteorologists and watchers, and from local police agencies to figure out what action should be taken and when. in the meantime, the rnc tells fox that they are watching, waiting and drawing up contingencies. >> we're very comfortable with all of the plans that we have in place, that we're going to continue to monitor. if we need adjustment, we can take that as it comes. but for now, we're planning full start on monday to host our convention here. we look forward to an exciting
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event. >> among the contingency, the host community will start putting up more tenting because a lot of security at these events, which is necessary in this day and age. folks usually have to stand in line outside to get into events, particularly the delegates. there is an opportunity for them to get really soaked monday and tuesday with the likelihood of rain, maybe heavy rain throughout the day. so other than that, the rnc is planning on going forward. back to you in new york. >> steve: stand by for news. steve brown downtown tampa. thank you. >> gretchen: other headlines, fox news alert. he admitting to carrying out a horrifying massacre in norway that left # 7 people dead and a short time ago, a court ruling anders behring breivik is actually sane. they sentenced him to between ten to 21 years. >> brian: that's it? >> gretchen: yeah. it can be extended for as long as he's considered dangerous after that time. he claimed the attack was necessary to prevent muslims from taking over europe. >> brian: shooting kids at camp. >> gretchen: gay rights activist accused of opening fire inside a
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conservative group headquarters heads to court for a preliminary hearing. he was indicted wednesday. he faces charges of transport ago gun over state lines and assault with the intent to kill. the 28-year-old allegedly shot and wounded a security guard last wednesday at the family research council's headquarters. moments ago, the international cycling union demanding that the u.s. anti-doping agency explain its case against lance armstrong. the groups have clashed over when has jurisdiction in the case. the agency announcing it will ban armstrong from cycling forever and strip him of his seven tour defrance titles. armstrong said he would no longer challenge the charges, even though he denies ever taking performance enhancing drugs. in a statement he said, there comes a point in every man's life where he has to say, enough is enough. for me, that time is now. the toll this has taken on my family examine my work for our foundation and on me leads me to where i am today, finished with this nonsense. >> brian: he is tired of paying legal fees and there were at least ten teammates lined up to
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testify against him. >> steve: geraldo rivera joins us live. good morning. >> my last friday with my summer suit. >> steve: that's right. >> sad. back to school. >> brian: right. at the end -- >> gretchen: you may be wearing that suit a bit longer. >> steve: let's talk about this case because -- >> lance armstrong? >> steve: no, the ice agents who are suing to do their job. ever since the president said by executive fiat, if you've been in this country since you were a kid, you can stay. now these ice agents are suing because they say the government is not allowing them to arrest people who pose a safety risk. >> edge, steve, that mitt romney needs this lawsuit like he needs a hole in the head. these agents are being represented by chris kovach, he is the oxford, yale, and harvard educated genius who is the kansas secretary of state who totally dominated the republican party platform plank on
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immigration last week and got everything he wanted. he's a very, very hard right guy. a political activist. don't think for a second that what you are seeing here are just some law enforcement agents who are frustrated that they're not able to do their job. >> brian: they may be frustrated -- >> they're represented by the front man for the anti-illegal immigration movement in this country. he drafted, for example, sb 1070 in arizona and all these state laws. he's the one who is calling for just enforcement only, remedies for illegal immigration, and he's leading the charge. now this lawsuit, i think, is designed to embarrass the president and i think it's a loser. >> steve: if they're in this country illegally -- >> if you want to argue illegal immigration, that's one thing. but if you want to argue mitt romney as a republican, if you care about mitt romney winning this election, mitt romney's platform, now is the most draconian illegal platform you
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could conceive of -- he's the advisorren immigration and you have a situation here where the republicans with putting up ted cruz, the texas senate candidate, governor louis fortunia, sue is a zoo martinez, marco rubio, they're trying so hard to reach out to latino, the republicans are, they have said they need 38% of the vote to win in november. mitt romney is polling 23% of the latino vote and a lot of it i think is exactly traceable to this unnecessarily harsh tone. why not be more conciliatory now? you don't have to energize the base about illegal immigrants. >> brian: would you say this, that the executive order he put forth is almost unenforceable and ill lodgal in -- illogical? >> i don't know about the
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administration of it, brian, but i think it's very difficult to argue with compassion that you don't want these young immigrants -- that's what we're talking about. young immigrants immigrants whoe before the age of 16 to go to school or to go into the military, it's very hard to look like the party of compassion on this issue when you want these dreamers thrown out. >> gretchen: we got to get your comments on this. >> i think it's a loser. i wish mitt romney would rethink this. >> brian: you're not calling me a loser? >> that was the furthest thing from my mind. >> gretchen: i got to ask but the new shoe -- >> brian: if she wants to buy it, can you get her a discount? >> gretchen: no. priced at over $300. has some fancy electronics. the civil rights, is it a civil rights issue that the guy who runs the national urban league, the president, said that it's insensitive to put this kind of a really expensive shoe out when kids are trying to go back and buy school supplies, this is not food, not rent. it's a single pair of sneakers. >> i disagree with him.
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envy is an awful thing. are you going to say you can't make merchandise -- maseratis. you remember when oprah started her school in south africa? oprah was asked, why isn't she spending her money starting schools in the united states? oprah lamented when she talks to the kids in this country, what the kids want is an ipad, sneakers, they want money. in south africa, when you say you want to start a school, they say, where can i get a uniform so i can go to school and get an education? i think you have warped values in this country. i think to blame the sneaker company for the warped values of youngsters is really way off the mark. i reject. aren't they offer ago lower price? i think that it is unfortunate that we extol the virtue of these products over the value of an education. i think that what we really have
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to address is the family values issue. >> brian: as a country, we should commit to the moccasin. >> steve: go put the suit in the moth balls. >> you can see my elbow. >> gretchen: coming up, i don't think i want -- you see these? they're like baseball cards, but terrorist trading cards. >> brian: then some of president obama's biggest supporters are jumping ship. what happened? charles gas perino says his inner circle is fed up and he's not fed up with us yet because he's on deck ♪
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>> steve: the president may be losing support among some of his biggest backers and even those that work for him? that's according to our next guest who says that general electric ceo jeffrey immelt, the head of the white house jobs council pictured there, screen right, is upset with the president's work, or lack of working. joining us now is the man who broke the story, "fox business" network's senior correspond sent, charles gasparino. charlie, tell us about that. >> this is like an overall picture that i'm getting from a lot of people who support the president. democrats. there are democrats, former congressmen who work with wall street. they're painting a picture of a president who likes to campaign, likes to bash mitt romney, likes some of the persons of the office, brilliant orator, but doesn't like the nitty-gritty. up and down on a bunch of issues. i think even he laughs about.
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obamacare, which most people can't figure out, the dodd frank financial law. this jobs council thing, which is interesting. these are at least nominally supporters of the president. jeff immelt is a republican. i believe g.e. heavily supported the president in 2008. when jeff immelt, the head of g.e. is telling people is that this thing is a joke, that when you meet with the president, he's kind of lean, sort of very -- nothing really concrete. when you get that from people that work with you every day, it paints a scary picture. i think there is a broader issue here. i think this is like a president who does not like to do the nitty-gritty of what needs to be done. >> steve: he likes being president, like the jet, stuff like that. doesn't like the day-to-day stuff. jeff immelt, i read in your piece, is going to vote for mitt romney. does he feel like he's been used by the president? the jobs council hasn't met in eight, nine months? >> i think he would say he did work with the president, been part of this jobs -- now it's
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called the council on competitiveness, it was called something else. it was good fort g.e. shareholder. they got a lot of perks out of this administration. being kind of at least nominally in an advisor to the president, those have its perks. i think he would say that. i think the negative part is jeff immelt. because he know has lot of people in the financial business. his friends are now saying, what have you done? you're basically with a president who moved the country fairly far to the left on a lot of economic issues particularly and someone who wants to raise taxes on business, paints a different sort of approach than sort of what many business people would want to do about decreasing regulation, maybe getting hire more. >> steve: interesting stuff. charles from the "fox business" network, thank you very much. what do you know? meanwhile, he's one of the most respected and powerful voices in the catholic church. so why is timothy cardinal dolan being snubbed by president obama? and it's almost time for the big reveal. ainsley, hello there, missouri.
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>> hello, steve. the big reveal, this is the kurtz family, this is what their house looked like for 17 years. doesn't look like this anymore. the big reveal coming up in a few minutes. first, rodney atkins singing "it's america." ♪ driving down the street today ♪ ♪ i saw a sign for lemonade ♪ there were the cutest kids i'd ever seen ♪ ♪ this front yard ♪ as they handed me my glass ♪ i was thinking to myself ♪ man, what a picture perfect postcard this would make ♪ ♪ of america ♪ a high school prom, springstein song ♪ ♪ it's a man on the moon ♪ it's 2002 ♪ it's selling lemonade ♪ at cities and barns
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♪ and what's going on ♪ one nation under god ♪ it's america ♪ [ thunder crashes ] it doesn't. stop pretending. only flood insurance covers floods. ♪ visit to learn your risk.
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>> steve: the kurtz family in missouri faced a lot in the past couple of years with their father being injured while on duty in the air force. that hasn't stopped them from opening their home to others, including their two nieces who needed a safe and loving place to live. we're glad that today the kurtz family is getting the home they've always dreamt of. it's all thanks to gaf, north america's largest roofing manufacturer examine ply gem, leading manufacturer of exterior building products in america. without further delay, let's go to missouri and ainsley earhart
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and the family with the new house. >> hey, steve. look at this house. can you see it in the background? the family is so excited. they've been working on this project now, ply gem, and gaf, for three weeks. it's been wonderful. we're here with the kurtz family, the winners, the military family winners. hey, mr. kurtz. thanks so much for serving our country. 34 years, recently retired. how do you feel about your new house? >> it's actual lea given me a new lease on life. >> why is that? >> it gives me something more to work for. >> that's great. you were worried because your house started falling apart. >> actually it was. garage doors were -- i was having fun trying to keep it patched together. >> not as much stress now, right? >> no. >> how about you, how do you feel about this? >> fantastic. >> tell me why. >> i've got several reasons. now we can hold our head up high. we don't have to kind of hold our heads down. the kids, it makes them happier.
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it is fantastic. >> that's great. this is little robin. this is her niece, their niece. she's in first grade, started two weeks ago. this is her big sister. this is alex. we saw on the piece that you were worried because you said your on the school bus, people make fun of you, getting bullied because they were making fun of the outside of your house. how do you feel today? >> i feel like they're going to just say you can't make fun of me anymore. >> there is the bus right there! the bus is driving by. we're waving to all the kids! all right! what do you think they're going to say now? what are your friends saying? >> they're probably saying hey, i want that house now. >> now you're famous. you get the last laugh. let's come over here to gaf and talk to alyssa. thank you for doing this. >> this has been our pleasure to participate. this category in particular was very important to us, the gaf, both gaf and ply gem are american owned companies, american made products.
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we got some incredible entries in this category, but we thought the kurtzs, 34 years of service, injured in iraq, taking in families and their children for years to help them when they have nowhere else to go. they're inspirational to us. we were thrilled to give them a new timberline roof with a lifetime warranty. >> john, what did do you to the house? >> we took it from the roof down with new gutters, siding, stone, new windows. we also have a beautiful garage door from clopay. easy access and provided a ramp. >> you have one extra special treat for the family. >> i do. this is a gift from us to you. and unfortunately, gifts get taxed. we don't want you to ever worry about paying the tacks on this. here you go, robin. >> oh, wow. thank you so very much. >> thank you for everything. for he serving the country. >> you're wonderful. and thanks to all of you watching. your brother is the one that was watching fox that entered you in
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the contest. >> he told us about it. sent it in. >> you definitely deserve it. thanks to both of you and to your companies for helping us. all right. >> the contractors and dan parks, he's fantastic with us. i just want to say thanks to all -- everybody. >> thank you to everybody. back to you guys in the studio. what a great story. >> gretchen: the house looks so great, ainsley. it looks amazing. they must be so thrilled. >> steve: big $20,000 check. that's awesome. all right. ainsley earhart reporting. >> they can live stress free. >> brian: the other thing that's important is that this is the time you have breakfast. do you think they'll invite you in for breakfast? >> are you guys going to invite me in for breakfast? [ laughter ] brian wants to know. they grill catfish in the backyard. so we might be back there for lunch. >> brian: catfish for milk in the morning, what's -- and milk in the morning, what's better? >> steve: thank you. >> gretchen: coming up next on the "fox & friends" rundown,
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terrorist trading cards stuffed inside a kids coloring book. seriously? we'll explain what that's all about. >> steve: plus, a side of the romneys you've never seen before. chris wallace in their kitchen making pancakes. brian, you wanted breakfast. >> brian: george clooney, then the romneys. what kind of life does this wallis kid have? >> steve: a sneak peek his exclusive interview with the romneys in the kitchen. >> brian: first, more from rodney atkins. he's outside, the song he's singing "if you're going through hell". ♪ am if you're going through hell ♪ ♪ keep on going ♪ don't slow down ♪ you might get out ♪ before the devil even knows you're there ♪
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♪ if you're going through hell ♪ keep on moving see the seam? more pcessed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i kn is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. [ woman ] welcome to learning spanish in the car. you've got to be kidding me. this is good. vamanos. vamanos. vamanos. gracias. gracias. gracias. ♪ trece horas en el carro sin parar y no traes musica. mira entra y comprame unas papitas. [ male announcer ] get up to 795 miles per tank in the 2013 passat tdi clean diesel. that's the power of german engineering. see your local dealer for special lease and finance rates during the autobahn for all event.
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>> joe biden will go to the republican convention to try and cause problems for mitt romney. after that he'll go to the democratic convention where he'll definitely cause problems for president obama. [ laughter ] >> brian: you know who is joining joe biden? >> gretchen: yeah. chris wallace's favorite.
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>> brian: yeah. to quote you exactly, you think she's very attractive. eva longoria will be there with joe biden trying to harass republicans. >> steve: there you go. >> gretchen: hi, chris. >> hi, guys. so guess where i am? >> steve: you're in michigan. why are you there? >> well, i want to see if mitt romney said the trees are just the right height. i got to tell you, they're not too tall. they're not too short. no. i'm here because mitt romney is here and we're going to be doing an exclusive interview in a couple of hours. it will run exclusively on fox news sunday. obviously we'll talk to him about what he hopes to achieve at the convention. we'll talk about the some of the issues that have come up this weekers especially the comments from congressman akin about, quote, legitimate rape. this will be the news making interenvironment but we already did an interview with him on monday at his vacation home up in new hampshire. i got to say, i know it was part of a charm offensive by the campaign, but it's a side of the romneys you've never seen. mitt and ann romney, one of their sons, tag, and his six
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kids, and kind of with their hair down. making pancakes and participating in the romney olympics. mrs. romney talks about her secret strategy for shopping at costco. it's really quite charming. >> steve: chris, you're overdressed. you're walking in the woods. they're in their short sleeves and you're wearing a sport coat. even at the pancake table. what's up with that? >> what do you mean, the pictures you've seen already? >> steve: yeah, looking at you in the sport coat with the dog. >> wait a minute. this is so classic "fox & friends." i got an interview with the romneys at narration home, you don't, so you're going to criticize what i'm wearing. >> gretchen: i'm not. i was going to tell you that i loved your tie today. >> steve: it's okay. >> well, thank you. thank you, gretchen. >> gretchen: you look dapper. the other question i had was since your wife is such a great cook and put out these cookbooks about soup and chicken, did you
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exchange recipes with the romneys? >> well, no. but i will say it's not in the piece 'cause i thought it was a little too out there even for me. mrs. romney has a cookbook that she does, sort of an informal thing. when each of her sons is married, she would give the new daughter-in-law a copy of sort of family recipes, includes these buttermilk pancakes and said, maybe mrs. sunday, lorraine, would put some these in her next cookbook. so she was very sweet about it. they already have lorraine's two cook books, as do the obamas because we are fair examine balanced. >> brian: what was the last time you ate at home? you were eating with george clooney last week. you're making the romneys cook for you this week. and then you're going for the interview and mitt romney will probably pick up the lunch. >> to be honest about it, our kitchen is under construction. we don't really have much choice, brian. >> brian: fine. chris, i got to ask you
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something else that's important. for the longest time, we talked about when is mitt romney going to hit back when it comes to bain capital and defend his record in detail. he seems to have done it today. he has a column where he talks about some of the different companies he worked for and turned around and how he would apply that to the economy. it seems like we're beginning to see a plan in place. >> yeah. i think -- that's why i'm so excited about this republican convention because i think there are a bunch of things that mitt romney is going to try to do at this convention that i think some people, some conservatives especially, have been saying, why doesn't he do, which is to talk unapologetically about his success at bain, to -- look, he knows he's not going to win "american idol" or be mr. popularity. i think what he does need to do and they realize it and that's one of the reasons they invatted me up to their house in new hampshire, is that they need to show that he understands what people are going through, for lack of a better phrase, he feels their pain.
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i think that's something he's going to try to -- he doesn't have to be mr. popularity. he does have to be likeable and people have to feel he can relate and understand what they're going through. i think that's something he's going to try to do next week in tampa. >> steve: if they shop at costco, they understand what a lot of people are going through. >> listen, she has very good ideas. i shopped at costco. i learned something. again, exclusively, only on fox news sunday. look, if you want to, next week when we're in tampa, we can all go to a costco and try the romney strategy and see if it works. >> steve: i'm a club member. >> gretchen: i am, too. >> brian: i'll have to sneak in. >> steve: you come with us. >> gretchen: chris, have a good interview. >> you sneak in a lot of places, don't you, brian. >> brian: i do. that was a secret. >> gretchen: we'll talk to you again and watch on sunday. thanks, chris. >> thanks. >> steve: meanwhile, let's start with some extreme weather and take a look at this. a teen-ager missing after being swept away by flood waters in las vegas on wednesday. one man saw it happen and called
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for help. >> i've been looking. i saw him way down. he was going 40 miles an hour with the water. >> do you know who he is? >> no, not a clue. i was just filming the water myself and as i'm flipping it, he pops up. >> steve: he did pop up. late yesterday, search crews found a sneaker in some debris. police are going to be back monday morning. they're hoping for drier conditions to continue the search for the missing person. >> gretchen: some are calling it a cardinal sin. the "new york post" reporting president obama turned down an offer from timothy cardinal dolan to deliver a benediction at the democratic national convention. he's considered the most powerful catholic in the united states and spear spearheading a lawsuit. he will be delivering a closing prayer at the republican national convention next week. however, he insists it is not an
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endorsement. >> brian: forget about baseball cards. how do you like these terrorist cards? st. louis company called big coloring books, inc., is offering a just that. 36 cards featuring the 9-11 terrorists, as well as wikileaks founder, julian assange, and tim mcveigh, just to maim a few. they're part of a coloring book called, we shall never forget 9-11. the true face of evil terror. the publisher insists it has no political agenda and it's a teaching tool to help children deal with the very difficult subject. he also points out that the book does have a pg-13 rating. so teens who love to color, this is right up your alley. >> steve: straight ahead on this friday show, it's a horrifying case. a woman found dead in her house two days after she called police for help. why was she ignored? that woman, judge jeanine pirro on that next. >> gretchen: then don't look now, but the cost of the stimulus just went up. the new number next. first, here is dave and clayton with what's on tap for this weekend.
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>> hey, guys. a lot of politics preconvention. also a new book shedding light on the fact that president obama's health care law may have been designed to unionize more than 20 million health care workers. we'll have the author of "shadow bosses" this weekend. >> also it's back to school time. kids are putting snacks in their backpack. we'll do the eat this, not that school edition. rice crispy treats or chack late chip cookies. >> here is more of our fox summer concert series. here is rodney atkins with -- >> "take a back road"! ♪
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>> brian: the cost of the federal stimulus package climbed to $833 billion. that's according to the congressional budget office. the recovery act was originally projected to be $787 billion. so let's check our checking accounts. and "dancing with the stars" releasing brand-new pictures of its upcoming all-star cast. hold on to somebody. here is bristol palin looking particularly fit, in my words. with her partner, mark. stars like pamela anderson, always looks fit and top heavy. emmitt smith will be back for a second shot at the mirror ball trophy.
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gretch? >> i've always said somebody will want to die. i never thought it would be this. >> gretchen: well, this woman calls 911 because she was being attacked. the body of diana cook was not discovered in her home until two days after that initial call for help. making matters worse, the 911 operator says she was screaming and she could hear a man say he was going to kill her. so what took police so long to enter cook's home? host of "justice," judge jeanine joins me for a look inside this case. it's so disturbing. this woman, you can hear her on the 911 call saying she needs help and you can hear the man in the background say just that, he's going to take her out. >> it's even worse than that. she is gurgling. she's choking. she's screaming. she's identifying her attacker who was her ex-husband and literally is dying on the phone. it takes them ten minutes to figure out where she is and the cops get there 50 minutes later.
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the issue is whether they were negligent and the family wants to sue. they want to know what happened. the police won't even let them hear the tape where the mother is screaming and dying on tape. so the problem here, gretchen, is that this is not the first time the dallas police department has had this problem. they've had other 911 calls and so the issue is whether or not they were negligent. were they? the cops go there. they knock on the door, no one answers. they go to the neighbor and the neighbor says, oh, i didn't hear anything. and it's then written up as a disturbance. so you've got three areas here. the person who received the call, the dispatcher and the cop. the person who receives the call is slow on the uptake. doesn't prioritize it, dispatch sends the cops out. they stop at a burglary alarm first, and then go there and say there is nothing going on. >> gretchen: it seems to logical to me that if you're the dispatcher you and hear a woman fighting for her life, you might say to the police officers, hey, bang the door down when you get
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there. so eventually what happens is the family does not hear from this woman for two days. they go and bang the door down and they find her deceased inside. >> they find her dead two days later. you know what? the water is pouring out of the house because apparently she was running the bathtub. another dead woman in a bathtub. and they say that the police didn't assist them. they called 911 before they went and they said, we can't find our daughter, our mother. the police said, well, you have to call the hospitals first. i mean, they are really not an example of stellar example of what 911 should do. but they're not unusual. across the country there are cases like this. there is no liability in general for 911 operators and americans who think that they are being protected by 911 should think again. >> gretchen: you think this family has a case in some capacity? >> i think they do have a case, but they're not going to get money because the police did not owe a specific duty of care to this individual. if you're a witness in a witness protection program, they ought to protect you.
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but if you're just a plain citizen, they don't even have to show up. lawsuits across the country are clear. this is not the kind of thing where you're going to win money. >> gretchen: your show will be on this weekend. >> drew peterson, we've got all kinds of new stuff coming out of the courtroom there. >> gretchen: fascinating case. thanks for covering it for us as well. rodney atkins rocks us with his new single "just want to rock'n'roll." first let's check in with bill hemmer. i'll see new tampa. >> we shall. we see isaac there, too. >> gretchen: maybe. >> update on the storm. the first big one always gets the most attention. the timing of this storm is con founding a lot of people. mike "huckleberry finn" bee on the romney-ryan team. where is the tea party today? dick armey is here to answer for them. have you filled up the tank lately? why it could get more expensive for you and your family. we'll see you in ten minutes on america's news room friday
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>> gretchen: it's time for rodney atkins and he's going to sing "just wanna rock'n'roll"! ♪ times are tough and times are strange ♪ ♪ but times one thing that you can't change ♪ ♪ love is aonian and love is a verb ♪ ♪ but sometimes love is a dirty word ♪ ♪ it don't matter what tomorrow brings ♪
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♪ tonight you just need to think about one thing ♪ ♪ and that's showing up and letting go ♪ ♪ and maybe getting just a little out of control ♪ ♪ and sing oh, ♪ don't you just wanna rock'n'roll ♪ ♪ gather up a couple of friends ♪ ♪ let a shot hit the spot and the party begin ♪ ♪ and sing oh yeah ♪ don't you just wanna rock'n'roll ♪ ♪ lose yourself out in the crowd ♪ ♪ in the night, in the lights ♪ cutting loose some love ♪ drawn all the stressed up theft up messed up out ♪ ♪ that's all i'm talking about ♪ the sun will shine ♪ and the clouds will rain ♪ you might have to learn to smile through the pain ♪ ♪ you lose a step but you gain a friend ♪ ♪ might even catch a break every now and then ♪
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♪ but don't sweat it just let it slide ♪ ♪ and when you get on the road baby let it ride ♪ ♪ you got to get up to get down ♪ ♪ you got to unwind a little to come on round ♪ ♪ and sing oh yeah ♪ don't you just wanna rock'n'roll ♪ ♪ gather up a couple of friends friends ♪ ♪ let the party begin ♪ oh, don't you just wanna rock'n'roll ♪ ♪ lose yourself out in the crowd ♪ ♪ in the night in the lights ♪ cutting loose some love ♪ drown all the stressed up ♪ that's what i'm talking about about ♪ ♪ and when you get tired of
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trying to be ♪ ♪ who they want you to be ♪ be what you want to be ♪ welcome on, come on ♪ sing oohhh ♪ don't you just wanna rock'n'roll ♪ ♪ gather up a couple of friends ♪ ♪ let the party begin ♪ don't you just wanna rock'n'roll ♪ ♪ lose yourself out in the crowd ♪ ♪ in the night, in the lights ♪ drown all the stressed up and messed up theft up out ♪ ♪ that's what i'm talking about about ♪ ♪ gather up a couple of friends ♪ ♪ let the party begin
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♪ lose yourself out in the crowd ♪ ♪ every night cut loose snout snout drown all the messed up theft out that's a what i'm talking about ♪ ♪ gather up a couple of friends friends ♪ ♪ let the party begin [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: thank you, rodney! we'll be right back. ♪ a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha!
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. . ♪ don't you just wanna rock'n'roll ♪ >> gretchen: that's great.


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